Mental Health Programs
Coping with Stress Workshop
The program will offer tips and strategies on how to manage stress. Our team of Social Workers will faciliate and guide this class.
- When: Saturday March 08, 2025
- Location: Virtual (Zoom platform).
- Time: 9:30-11:30am
For your convenience, you can call 416-740-2810 or 647-342-8266 to register.
Snacks will be provided for all in-person sessions.
Here are a list of resources used in our Coping with Stress class:
- CBT - fact or opinion
- Option -When we no longer able to change situations
- Beyond our control
- Crisis management plan
- Fight or flight response
- The helicopter view
- Problem solving worksheet
- Reality Vs expectations
- Unhelpful thinking habits
- The worry tree
All these classes are Free and open to the community. You do not need a referral from your doctor to attend. Everyone is welcome.
Healing Together ~ A Peer-to-Peer Mental Health (Monthly) Support Group
Are you experiencing feeling of loneliness and isolation? Want to connect and learn from others experiencing similar feelings? Class will be facilitated by the Registered Social Workers.
To register for the classes or programs please call 416-740-2810 or 647-342-8266.
Here are the resources that will be used in this class:
For your convenience, you can call 416-740-2810 or 647-342-8266 or register online.
- When: Thursday Feb 20, 2025.
- Time: 6-8pm
- Location: 245 Dixon Rd (and Zoom Virtual Platform). When you arrive, please check in at POD 1.
If you are experiencing any thoughts of suicide, please call 911 or call the Talk Suicide Canada hotline at 1-833-456-4566
Check out these mental health links for more information and resources: